BEST FILM - A Fixed System - Aaron Fisher
BEST ANIMATION - Paint - Jon Rolph
BEST SCREENPLAY - LEGO Minecraft: Creepers Part 3 - Thomas Evans & Yann Christopher
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY - LEGO Minecraft: Creepers Part 3 - Thomas Evans
BEST EDITING - Beyond - Markus Engel and Dominik G.
BEST SET DESIGN - Beyond the Eleventh Dimension - Chris Boyer
BEST SOUND DESIGN - Lego Captain America 3: Nazi Zombies - Forrest Whaley
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS - What Does LEGO Mean to You? The Infinite Brickmaster - Dylan Woodley
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE - A Fixed System - Nathan Larsen
BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE - Mach None - Aaron Bulger (Mach)
VIEWER'S CHOICE - A Fixed System - Nathan Larsen
For more information about the awards and discussion on BIM click HERE!