2015 Brickfilmer of the Year
Thomas Evans (Forlorn Creature)
Honorable Mention:
Best Super Hero:
Atlas Animationz - LEGO Justice League - Nightwing / Green Arrow
Best Star Wars:
BrickBuild Animation - Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer
Best Foreign Language:
HarryAndBillyBrick Productions - Assassin's Lego: Cops Chasing Robbers
Best Holiday:
Altlandstudios - LUMI
Best Music Video:
Brotherhood Workshop - Home Free "Crazy Life" - Music Video
Main Category:
Best Story and Screen Play:
Aaron Fisher - A Fixed System (LEGO SHORT FILM)
Best Cinematography:
Robotic Animations - The Tree
Best Animation:
Brotherhood Workshop - Home Free "Crazy Life" - Music Video
BestSound Effects:
5-K Animations - Bump and the Knight
Best Music Score:
Aaron Fisher - A Fixed System (LEGO SHORT FILM)
Voice Acting:
BrickNerd Studios - LEGO Batman vs Superman 2: Dawn of Just Desserts
Best Film of Festival:
Aaron Fisher - A Fixed System (LEGO SHORT FILM)
Member’s Choice:
Aaron Fisher - A Fixed System (LEGO SHORT FILM)
Best Film with BFG Logo:
Altlandstudios - LUMI