- Acclimation - Garry and Gregory Moore,Twickabrick Productions
- Heldenhaft - Sebastian Geiss-Polnau, Tobias Hucker, Vetternwirtschaft
- Keep Talking - Steffen Troeger, Golego
- LEGO Mario - Annette Jung, Trick Piraten
- LEGO Spider-Man - Paul Hollingsworth, Digital Wizards Studios
- LEGO Star Wars: Chirrut vs. Everything - Kevin Ulrich, Brotherhood Workshop
- LEGO Star Wars: Lando's Deal - Adam Nies, Ant Bandit
- Murder in the Arena - Alexander Leitner, Thomas Leitner, Andreas Bitzan, Michael Bitzan, LegoStudio01 & A&M Studios
- Oh, Silent Night - Stefan Minder, Hirschundelch
- The Painter - Adam Nies, Ant Bandit
The winners will be announced later today or tomorrow.