The 2nd round contestants (in alphabetical order):
- AJF Studios
- AoWGamer
- Backup Lego Productions
- Barrista Flicks
- BC Lego Movies
- Blue Jay films
- Bspeedforce Productions
- Code Man
- Chris McNick
- Dragon Brick Studios
- Erik Tong Studios
- G.L. Animations
- Hammer7
- Hippie8 Studios
- J&A Studios
- Jacob Crow
- JDiddy Productions
- JO Co
- Joebor1777
- jmbrickstudios
- Kalthorn Studios
- Natebrickstudioz
- NonStop Animations
- ONA Productions
- PaceStudios
- Psycho Animations
- Qigzzus46
- Rapture187
- Really Cheesy Studios
- RestInPiecesProductions
- Sam H Bricks
- Solvem Probler Studios
- The Brick Bro - TheBricks
- thefourmonkeys - TheJumiFilm
- The Quack Studios
- Tobias Jay
- Vertical Bricks
The theme for round 2 is DELIGHT and those moving to round 2 have a short time to complete the animation.