The results were announced for the BRAWL 2011 brickfilming contest. The results were announced around 4pm EST in a BiM chat room, only to be revised only a few hours later and posted on a Google Docs spread sheet. Here are the final results according to the Google Docs spreadsheet.
Animator Average Score Place
Nick Durron 8.3 1
Stan the Lego Man 7.7 2
jackabascal 7.4 3
twickabrick 7.2 4
NXTMainiac 7.0 5
JustKidden 6.4 6
Darkman 6.3 7
MPfist0 6.2 8
thefourmonkeys 6.1 9
Sam21 6.1 10
AbsurdAnimations 5.8 11
EddieHasscle 5.6 12
LGFB Studios 5.6 13
ZachFB Studios 5.6 14
Chris W. 5.5 15
jstudios 5.5 16
Pillow 5.5 17
Brain Wave 5.4 18
LegoShark 5.0 19
Onion n 4.9 20
MadBrick 4.9 21
Juggernaut Pictures 4.8 22
Sean Carroll 4.8 23
WelcomeToAwesomeness (Part 2) 4.6 24
iDroid 4.5 25
Lucas + Living LEGO 4.4 26
StoppedMotion 4.4 27
FuntasticFilms 4.1 28
Carrol Films 4.0 29
Hazzat’s Sister 3.9 30
BindingBrick 3.8 31
sfugity 3.8 32
StudioL30 3.7 33
Mout Studios 3.6 34
100DSC 3.5 35
furybrosstudios 3.3 36
EpicDavi 3.2 37
LASF + Mr. Rundown101 2.9 38
Peanut 2.8 39
Legosword98 2.2 40
TheCoolDude1023 1.9 41
There were calls for rejudging and biased judges on the BRAWL forum on BiM.
Congratulations Nick Durron for creating such an incredibe brickfilm in the timeframe of one week. Nick Durron's victory was predicted by the BFG Admin.